Title: Mahabharata
Link: http://ouocblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/mahabharata-online-public-domain-edition.html
I read second part of Public Domain Edition Mahabharata(part B) for this weeks reading diary post. I found it disappointing that the evil Prince Duryodhana was not capable of defeating Pandavas, so he planned to set their house on fire. In addition to that, King Dhritarashtra believed the story that his son Duryodhana gave him and agreed to his plan. Panadavas and their mother left the house before, so Duryodhana's plan did not accomplish. I liked the character of Bhima, the way he cared for his brothers and mother while they all were in a dangerous Rakshasa forest. It was shocking how Bhima married to a Rakshasa woman, but it was good for him because he was happy with her and plus, she promised to never harm them. The story of Draupadi's previous lifetime as Nalayni was interesting, how she prayed "give me a husband" five times and got five men in reward. It was interesting that Draupadi got five husbands in her next life too as Pandavas. In addition, a woman having more than one husband is not common. It was kind of harsh on Arjuna of how he won Drapuadi as a bride on Swayamwara and then had to leave, however, he married other women on his way.
Kunti and the Pandavas escape. |
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