Title: Ramayana-Hanuman-and-Sita
Link: http://ouocblog.blogspot.com/search/label/PDE%20Ramayana
And he sends his loving message, and his force is drawing near! Sita held that tender token from her loved and cherished lord, And once more herself she fancied to his loving arms restored.
But Hanuman was not satisfied with finding Sita; he dashed about the Ashoka grove and broke the trees and spoiled the pavilions, like the Wind himself. The rakshasis sent messages to Ravana for help, and he, hearing that a mighty monkey was destroying his servants, sent the powerful Jambumali, son of Prahasta, bow in hand, to slay Hanuman forthwith, and, indeed, he wounded him with a sharp arrow as he sat upon a temple roof, but Hanuman hurled a bolt at him and crushed him utterly.But the wily monkey gave no sign that the bonds were loosed, and the fierce rakshasas, crying to each other "Who is he? What does he want?" and "Kill him! Burn him! Eat him!" dragged him before Ravana.
In the image Sita was scared of Hanuman when she first saw him.
At first, Sita was scared of Hanuman |
Hi Aysha, please write our your own notes, okay? Just copying-and-pasting from the reading does not convey your perspective, the details you think are important: you need to provide your own commentary about what is happening, with your own ideas, okay? That way, you will have your own thoughts to work with when you go to write your story, not just something you copied and pasted.