Title: Ramayana-Hanuman-and-Sita
Link: http://ouocblog.blogspot.com/search/label/PDE%20Ramayana
For these sections of the reading, the most interesting part I thought was when Rama questions Sita's purity and sends her to exile. However, Sita on the other hand never thought of anyone else except for Rama. Plus, she was willing to justify herself by burning into the fire, but Agni protects her from the fire. Sita giving birth to twin boys of Rama and they had similarity with Rama. I liked the character of Lakshama because he was always been a great support to Sita and he knew that Sita was pure, while her husband was being harsh and serious about that. However, I liked the ending of how Sita was taken by the Earth because Rama no longer deserves her nor her love, after insulting and for not trusting her purity. At the same time, building a golden image of Sita does show his love Sita, but however they did not get to live and die together after being so much in love. I found this image interesting when Earth was taking away Sita and along with that I was imagining Rama's condition when he would no longer be able to live with Sita. I am sure that Sita did not wanted to go with them, but she did not have any option after being betrayed by her husband, whom she loved the most. However, it was a sad ending, Rama and Sita did not get to live together.
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