Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Week 11 Reading Diary: Mahabharata film part A

Title: Mahabharata
Author: Peter Brook
Link: http://iereadingguides.blogspot.com/2014/06/film-brook-mahabharata.html

For this week's dairy reading, I watched Mahabharata film by Peter Brooks. I enjoyed the film so far. Since we read Mahabharata before watching the film, the film is not that much exciting when it comes to the story itself. Now visualizing Mahabharata and the story seemed different and in fact with better understanding.I think we attach ourselves more when watching something compare to reading it. For instance, when watching the film I felt really bad for Gandhari who marries Dhritarashtra, who is blind. When reading through the Mahabharata, my feelings did not attach that much for Gandhari, but watching it seemed different. Overall, it was a nice film and I enjoyed it.

Dhritarashtra and Gandhari.

1 comment:

  1. It's always fun to do reading diaries over films. I do think that movies make the characters feel more alive. I wasn't really connected with Sita that much until I watched Sita Sings the Blues. After that, I felt like I understood her more. Maybe it's because the films use more senses to convey the stories, but it's interesting to see how things change when you change the medium used to tell the story.
